Tuesday, December 21, 2010

To Iowa We Go

For those of you who don't already know, we are moving back to Iowa mid January. Charlie got a really great job offer in Cedar Rapids that we couldn't pass up, and we are both very excited to be closer to family again. We will keep you posted on our new address, since we don't have a place to live yet, and an exact date of when we will be there.


On Thursday, Randy had an aortic dissection and is now in the Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. We have a website set up for him to update everyone on his condition. Click here for the link. Please keep Randy in your thoughts and prayers as he has a long road ahead of him.

Monday, December 6, 2010


I love photo booths but apparently I have no idea what to look at when I am in them. We were in Iowa in November and Ben, Charlie and I got to hang out for an afternoon in Iowa City. As you can tell, we had a good time and laughed a lot!

Washington, DC

Washington Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

I had the opportunity to go to Washington, DC for work and so far have spent 2 weeks checking the city out (week of Nov 15 and Nov 29). I was able to see a few attractions including the White House but hope to get out and see more next week when I am there for the final time.

The Many Stages of Charlie's Beard

Whenever Charlie is going to shave his beard, we always have fun with the many looks he can come up with. Doesn't he look different without it?

Stella's Friend

Meet Stella's new friend, Waylon. We have been having play dates for her to try and get her used to other dogs and she loves it. It took her awhile to get used to him but then they became instant buddies even though the pictures look like Stella is trying to eat him.