Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fun with Carli and Spencer

Ben's Amazing Dart Shot

Carli and Spencer came to town this weekend and we had a great time! We did some shopping at the outlet mall, hung out and Ben and Megan's house, went to eat sushi and then went to a concert. One of the highlights was the cab ride home where the driver had a disco ball and we jammed out to the Backstreet Boys CD from 1999. It was pretty fun and was the icing on an already fun day.

Last Outings with Friends in ABQ

Out for dinner with Sarah and Karl

Hugo and Jessica

I know these pictures are extremely late but I wanted to share a couple pictures of some our last outings in ABQ with friends.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Blizzard Back

Last night we got 12 inches of snow and lots of wind, our first blizzard since being back. The problem was that everyone was trapped at home since the road to the house was not plowed. It was a non-issue for me since I work from home, but everyone else had to miss work. The street finally got plowed at 5pm....freedom!

Moving Pictures

Here are a few photos during our drive from New Mexico back to Iowa. It was a bit crowded in the cab with the dog but it wasn't too bad in the end. Glad to be back!