Monday, July 25, 2011

Barnes City Races w/ Karl and Sarah

The group that went to the Barnes City Races

First time at a Figure 8 race for Sarah, and me too.

Sarah is protecting her baby from the noise.

Karl and Charlie

On Friday night, we met our friends Karl and Sarah (from Albuquerque) in Barnes City, IA at Karl's uncle's house. We enjoyed a yummy fish fry with his family and then headed to the Barnes City Races. This was a first time at a race like this for both Sarah and me but we still had a great time.
After the races, the four of us headed back to our place to hang out. It was so great to see them again and I already can't wait for the next time!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blom Bums Weekend - Barefoot Bar

After all of the festivities, a few of us went out to the Barefoot Bar and hung out. My cousin Jenny and I decided to take a couple pictures for fun.

Blom Bums Weekend - Family Pictures

Most of the family that attended minus a few sleeping little ones.

The Siblings
Top Row L to R :Craig, John
Botton Row L to R: Ruth, Jan and Wanda

The Blom Bums Weekend - Random Pictures

Miss Jabrel

Gary and Don

Charlie with his awesome balloon hat

Tyson and Tristan

Me, Carli, Charlie and Spencer

The Blom Bums Weekend - Video

To watch the video highlights from our Blom Bums weekend, click here. Thanks Ben for making this!

Blom Bums Weekend - The Main Event


Charlie and Spencer - They were a little hot and dirty after the game

Hula Hoop Chain - you have to hold hands and get the hula hoop over everyone without letting go of each other.

I don't know what this one was called but you had to pass the wet sponge over all of your teammates and fill a bucket at the end full of water

4 person skiing

Yep, that's my mom laying on the ground laughing!

They finally got up and going

This is my team and they were good! Go Craig's Clods!

On Saturday, the festivities began. The theme was Newkirk Church Sunday School picnic games. We had 18 games total (I only got pictures of a few of the games) and the family was divided into teams with Jan, Ruth, Wanda, and my dad Craig as the team captains. We had a ton of fun and at some points, it got a little competitive. In the end, Wanda's team won but the main goal was that everyone enjoyed themselves and that is definitely what happened!

Blom Bums Weekend - Fishing

The small mouth bass that Tyson caught

The baby Northern that Tristan caught

Jabrel showing Alex and Aiden the leeches

The Blom Bums weekend started on Friday, July 15 at my cousins Sandy & Gary's house in Spencer, IA. We enjoyed a hot dog roast, smores and had lots of fun seeing all the Blom family again.
On Saturday, it was the main event starting at 10am so before the festivities began, we took Tristan, Tyson and Jabrel fishing down by the dock. Tristan caught a baby northern on his first cast and Tyson caught a small mouth bass when he was reeling in his last cast so we had success!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Our Backyard Friend

For some strange reason, we had what I think was a really pretty parakeet in our backyard this afternoon and Stella really wanted to get it. It was driving her crazy and is probably something I won't see again.

Arkansas Day 4 - On our way home

The View from our cabin

Stella's sad to be leaving

The road to the cabin. It was 6.5 miles of crazy roads and these pictures don't do it justice.

Arkansas Day 3 - Mystic Caverns

Arkansas Day 2 - Pruitt Recreational Area