Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Living Room Furniture

When we were in Minneapolis, we stopped by IKEA and purchased some new furniture for our living room. We got a new entertainment center and shelf and finally got everything up today with help from Pete. I think it looks awesome and it is nice to have all the boxes out of the way.

Demo - Our Driveway

Because of all the demo, this is what our driveway looks like for the next 7 days. Originally we thought the dumpster was way too big but it is filling fast.

Garage Demo - Sunday

This is the inspection tag we found in the garage on one of the studs. I thought it was really cool.

Because we finished with the basement today, we decided to start on the demo for the garage. We wanted to redo the garage because the drywall and insulation were not done well and we wanted to make sure that it was before it started getting cold. The drywall was much harder to take off and I think this is going to be slightly more difficult than the basement.

Basement Demo - Sunday

Today we finished the basement demo and cleaned up as much as we could. There is still a lot of work to do before we can begin rebuilding, but it feels good to have this much done. Also, there were no injuries so it was a successful day!

Basement Demo - Charlie's Injury

While we were doing demo on the basement Saturday, Charlie cut his finger on a rusty piece of metal. I thought he should have gone to get stitches but he decided to be stubborn and use a binder clip instead. The would is doing much better but after that happened, we called it a day to prevent further injuries.
He is doing much better today but did admit that he should have gotten stitches.

Basement Demo - Saturday

This weekend we started our basement demolition. We are gutting our downstairs to update it because right now it is rather musty, gross and hasn't been updated since at least the 1970's. We would like to make a rec room area with updated electrical, flooring and more storage space.
It has been pretty fun to do the demo work but I have to say it is very exhausting.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Paper Chain for Ellen

Whenever I get really excited for something, I revert back to my childhood days and create a paper chain. Because I am sooooo excited for going to see Ellen with Kristin, I just had to make a paper chain to help count down the days.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm Going to Ellen!!!!

Today I found out that I got tickets to go see Ellen in LA with my best friend Kristin! I am so excited and am counting down the days until our trip!

Minneapolis Trip

Last week I took a couple of days off and went to Minneapolis with Charlie while he had some training for work. I enjoyed a really relaxing time with some shopping and a fantastic pedicure. One night we went to Dave and Busters and had so much fun playing arcade games. We felt like little kids again!