Sunday, September 25, 2011

Remodeling Injury #2

Today we bought 3 new windows to replace the 3 original windows in the basement since we are remodeling everything else and the old windows barely open. As we were putting in the new window it didn't go in correctly so Charlie was trying to pull it out to put it back in correctly. As we pulled, it released and hit him right in the eye (I did get it back in after this happened).
He is adding yet another scar with this remodeling project. Let's hope this is it!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

2 weeks until Ellen!

Only 2 weeks until Kristin and I get to see Ellen!

This week I finally got the letter from the show confirming our tickets and giving us some general information about where the studio is and what time to pick up our tickets. I was really happy to get it because there was a small part of me that thought I was maybe dreaming when I called and that I was making the whole thing up. Good thing I wasn't!