Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pregnancy Update - 26 Weeks

This last weekend we had our birthplace tour and are now feeling more comfortable with what will happen once I go into labor. I am still feeling great and everything is going smoothly.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fun in the Snow

Today we had a really pretty snow and so after work, Charlie went outside and played with Stella. She gets a little crazy when it snows, but it is fun to watch and it provides a good laugh.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Basement Progress - Drywall

Just a few pieces of drywall left to be put up and we are done with that. YAY!

Pregnancy Update - 24 Weeks

So, I am officially starting to feel huge and I know it only gets worse from here. Even though I keep growing, it is so much fun to feel her move all the time so it is worth it.