Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Olive - 6 weeks

 Grandma Blom and Olive

After Bath Time
Yesterday Olive was 6 weeks old and got to spend the day celebrating those weeks of life with Grandma Blom. She had a great time getting talked to, held and loved by my mom and it was great for me too.

Father's Day

This past Sunday Charlie celebrated his first Father's Day. It is so heartwarming to see him interact with Olive and I am so blessed to have him as the father to my child and husband. Love you Charlie!!

My 30th Birthday

 My flight of beer samples

On the 15th, I celebrated my 30th birthday. I was greeted in the morning with a huge smile from Olive and then in the afternoon, we celebrated at the new Backpocket Brewery in Coralville with Bonnie, Ben, Megan (it was Megan's birthday too), and Mila. It was a great day!

It is hard to believe I am entering a new decade but I can't wait and think my 30's will be awesome!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Olive - First Real Smiles

Even though we have seen many smiles from Olive, they were mostly just a facial reflex rather than a response to something she likes. Now she is finally smiling because she wants to and it is so cute and just makes my heart melt.

Olive - 5 Weeks

Yesterday Olive was 5 weeks old which means time is flying by way too fast since it feels like I just blogged about her being born. As I state every week, she is growing so quickly and seems to be changing a little bit every day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Olive - 4 weeks

On Tuesday Olive was 4 weeks old and weighs in at 9 lbs 12 oz so she is eating well and growing. In the morning she had a photo shoot with The Sweet Life Photography. We had a great time and as you can see from the first two photos, they turned out great. I will be getting more pictures once they are complete and will be sure to post more.

After the photo shoot, she was zonked out but her naps are becoming much shorter than they were just last week. She spends most of her time being very active (kicking her legs and crazy arm movements or what I like to call dancing) and seems to enjoy listening to me read books and talk to her.