Thursday, March 21, 2013

Olive's first Hawkeye game

Olive enjoyed her first basketball game, especially since the Hawkeyes won! She loved looking around at all the people and seemed to be into the game. She jumped every time the crowd erupted in cheering and even clapped a couple of times herself.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Olive - 10 months

Since her 9 month check up, Olive had to go in and see a dermatologist because her eczema was getting really bad. Within 4 days of starting her medicine, it was almost gone and she was sleeping so much better (previously waking up to itch her face). It is so encouraging to see the improvement.

Olive has been standing near everything she can and doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. We may have a dare devil on our hands.

Standing next to everything

Stella wants to play and Olive thinks its funny

Kiss Me, I'm Iowish - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Olive - 9 month checkup

I just realized I haven't posted anything for a long time and apologize. We have had a lit going on and blogging has slipped my mind.

Since Valentine's day, we had Olive's 9 month check up. She weighed 19.5 lbs (50th percentile) and was 29.5 inches long (95th percentile). She is doing well and is right on track.

So big!

Pointing out the frogs on her new pjs

Loving her teddy

Reading all of her books