Wow, I just realized it has been forever since I last posted a blog and so much has happened since then so here is a little update.
Christmas and New Years has come and gone and Charlie and I had a great time going home for Christmas (besides getting stuck in 3 feet of snow). I will try to post some pictures soon but am not making any promises.
I received a promotion at work and am now the Finance Manager for Save the Children's Western Regional Office. I really love my job and it keeps me super busy but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Charlie and I both started school again for the spring semester and I have to say that we both are already sick of it. The only thing that is keeping me going is that after this semester I only have one more class to take and then I have enough accounting credits to sit for the CPA exam. Yeah! Charlie has quite a few more classes to take in order to complete his master's program so we haven't begun the countdown quite yet.
There you have it, that has been the last couple of months in a nutshell and you are now all up to date. I will try to post more often but sometimes life just gets in the way.
Now, for the pictures above. One of our New Year's resolutions is to get out more and explore this great state of New Mexico (and surrounding areas) and we are trying to do that by going on day trips on Charlie's motorcycle. We already have some weekend and longer trips planned for the summer so we are pretty excited about it.
The pictures above are from Jemez Springs, NM. This is a small town in the Jemez Mountains and is about 60 miles away from Albuquerque. We stopped and ate at a local cafe called Laughing Lizards which had great pizza and sweet potato fries. YUM!! As you can see, there is a lot of red rock and beautiful mesas which is a joy to look at when you are on a motorcycle.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and when we take more trips, I will post more pictures so you can experience a little piece of where we are living too!