Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Olive - 3 weeks old

Today Olive is 3 weeks old and I can't believe how fast this time went by. Just this week she starting becoming more vocal and I have to say, I think she will be quite the entertainer and keeps Charlie and me laughing at some of the faces and noises she makes. She is also getting very strong and has almost rolled over several times. Once she figures it out, we will have to keep an even closer eye on her so she doesn't roll away!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2 Weeks Old!

Yesterday Olive was 2 weeks old and we had her first doctors appointment. She now weighs 8 pounds 13 ounces and measures in at 22 3/4 inches long so she has grown quite a bit since coming home from the hospital.

Chillin Like a Villain

Olive with her Great Grandparents

 Olive with Great Grandma Oolman

 Olive with Great Grandma Roos

Olive with Great Grandpa and Grandma Kraai

Olive with the Blom Family

 Tristan and Olive

Jabrel and Olive

 Tyson and Olive

Olive and her Blom Cousins

This weekend we took Olive to NW Iowa to see family and friends and enjoy her first Tulip Festival. Above are some pictures of Olive with her Blom cousins, Aunt Raegen, and Uncle Adam.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Olive - One Week Old

Today Olive is one week old and I can hardly believe how fast her first week went. My hope is to take pictures of her weekly for the first year because she has already changed so much since we brought her home from the hospital. I want to be able to look back at the pictures and remember her at all the different stages of development that she goes through.

My First Mother's Day

 My sleeping beauty

 Stella loves Olive

 Me and my girls

Olive in her swaddler (or as I like to call it, her mini straight jacket)

This year we celebrated my first mother's day and it was a lot of fun. It is still a little strange calling myself a mom but I couldn't be happier about it. I love watching all of Olive's facial expressions and studying her every detail, especially her cute little hands and feet. I have been truly blessed!

Our Couch

This is what our couch looked like for the first couple of days after coming back home from the hospital. Due to lack of sleep because of trying to adjust to Olive's eating and sleeping schedule, the whole family would rest on the couch when we could. Even Stella was as exhausted as Charlie and me!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Introducing Olive to Stella

After we were home for a couple of hours, Charlie went to get Stella and we introduced her to Olive. She was very curious with Olive and all the noises she made but we think she did very well. I feel she will work better than our baby monitor because every time Olive makes a noise in her bed, Stella looks up towards the room and will even go check on her periodically. It was really cute and I think she will do a great job with Olive.

Leaving the Hospital

We left the hospital on Thursday, May 10, and headed back home for our new way of life. We are so excited to have Olive in our lives and can't wait for the adventures to begin.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Olive Mabel Roos

It  is with lots of love and great joy that we welcomed into the world our beautiful daughter, Olive Mabel Roos, on May 8 at 11:49 pm. She weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz, was 21 1/2 inches long and we are so in love!!!! In fact, I am sitting in our hospital room right now just staring at her in between writing this blog and I keep thinking how lucky we are. Once I get some of our pictures together, I will be sharing many more but until then, I am going to just admire our little blessing.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pregnancy Update - 40 Weeks

Today is my official due date and she is still content on hanging out. We are hopeful that she will come on her own but if not, they will induce me next week. Please pray that she will make an arrival before that happens!