Monday, October 29, 2012

Olive - 24 weeks

Olive has been sitting up for brief periods of time for a couple weeks but after this weekend she now sits up on her own for quite awhile. It is interesting how one day it just clicks and she can do it. Now, she really only needs support if she starts getting tired but that usually takes quite awhile as she loves to look around and see what everyone is up to.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Olive's Dedication

On Sunday, Olive was dedicated at our church. She wore my baptismal dress and did really well. It was a great moment for all of us!

Olive - 23 weeks

Olive finally started to understand the concept of eating off a spoon this week and is now enjoying rice cereal on a daily basis. She is quite messy although it is getting better and we don't have to feed her in just a diaper anymore.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Olive - 5 months

We have a five month old. Whoa, where did the time go?

This week Olive said "dada" and it was very cute even though she has no idea what she is saying. I am trying to work on "mama" but I don't think that will happen for awhile.

She is also getting much stronger and is starting to sit up on her own for short periods of time and loves the new perspective.

Monday, October 8, 2012