Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Olive's 1st Experience with Snow

After our big snowstorm on Thursday, we finally took Olive out in the snow to play. We pulled her around on the sled and let her sit in the snow for awhile. At first she was a little unsure but then she loved it!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Olive - 31 weeks

Big moment of the week - Olive has teeth! I checked on Saturday because she was drooling more than usual but there was nothing. I checked again on Sunday because she was gnawing on a toy and there were her two front bottom teeth. I was pretty surprised and will get a picture when they show more.

Other activities of the week included going to Sage's 1st birthday party in Grimes. Olive and Sage seemed to remember each other and had fun together.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Olive - 7 months

Olive is becoming harder and harder to get good pictures of. She is constantly moving which means most of our pictures are blurry so I apologize about that.

I feel that she is a couple of weeks away from crawling as she has been rocking back and forth on her hands and knees. She has also been scooting herself around on her butt which is quite fun to watch.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012