Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Road trip to Minneapolis

The first weekend in February, we took a road trip to Minneapolis.

On Friday the 1st, Olive got to visit the Rainforest Cafe in the Mall of America and was mesmerized by the big tanks with all the cool fish. She also loved looking at everything and everyone. We were later joined by Randy and Karen and they took care of Olive throughout the weekend while Charlie and I did some things on our own on Saturday. We all went out to a lovely dinner on Saturday night and Olive was a champ with all the activity. She slept almost the entire ride home on Sunday because she was pretty worn out.

It was a great trip and nice to get out of the house.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Olive - 9 months

On Friday, Olive turned 9 months.

She is an absolute joy and so much fun. She now knows So Big, how to blow kisses and her new favorite word is "yeah". It is really cute to ask her a question and hear her say "yeah" to it.

Her 9 month doctors appointment is in a week and a half and I am really anxious to see how big she is. She is definitely longer but I don't know that she has put on a lot of weight because she is constantly on the move.