Sunday, December 28, 2008


Today Charlie and I snowboarded for the first time. I walked away frustrated with a sore ass and knee. Charlie walked away with a natural talent for the sport.

We took some classes and halfway through the first session I could tell that the instructor hated me. I couldn't even get the basic skill of getting up off my ass from the snow which is a key element in snowboarding. Charlie made it look like nothing (which because I am so competitive, made me even more frustrated). Luckily, there was another girl in the class who couldn't get up either which helped ease the frustration a little bit and so we just hung out while the rest of our class kept learning new stuff.

By the end of the class and our time on the mountain, I wasn't as frustrated and decided to try it again...just not tomorrow. It was also a gorgeous day so I couldn't complain because I was outside enjoying the day rather than being cooped up in our apartment. All in all it was a good day and I learned alot about what skills or lack thereof, that I have. I guess some you just have to work harder at. Next week....snow shoeing. :)

I added some photos and a video of Charlie snowboarding. He is at the top of the hill at the beginning of the video.


Kristin Christenson said...

Hee Hee's your ass now?

Cora said...

It is better. It hurt pretty bad right after though.