Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Winter Blues

About this time every year, whether there is snow on the ground or not, I get the winter blues. I get stuck in a rut that I can't seem to get out of. The only way I know of curing it is to go on a vacation, but because I am trying to save vacation time to go home for the holidays and we don't have enough money to go somewhere cool, that is just not going to happen this year.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cure these winter blues? I need some help because I feel I might go crazy.


Raegen & Crew said...

Best I can tell you, Cora, is get a sappy movie or 3 and grab your favorite comfies and blankie. Curl up with yourself or Charlie if he'll sit still and watch movies til you feel all warm and fuzzy.... or until you've wasted so much time you insist on cheering up to become productive! :) Good luck - - I'm with you on the boat of wintery bad moods. So sick of them too.

Kristin Christenson said...

I always like to try "plant" something indoors. The "plant" never usually stays alive, but looking at the "plant" and thinking about the "plant" lets me know that Spring is right around the corner. So go try to "plant" a "plant". You "plant" lady, you!

Renee said...

Exercise and a tanning bed are one of the best things ever invented for this. Now my dermatologist would shoot me in the head for saying the "tanning bed" but it does help. :) I actually was talking to a doctor the other day while I was doing his hair and he told me that he gets TONS of people in this time of the year saying they feel depressed. (while there are drugs for this) It's the lack of seratonin in our system. Sun and exercise gives us this.. it's like a happy drug. So go get yourself a tan and go for a quick run.. you will be amazed. ;)

ps. thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.. meant allot. :)