Thursday, May 10, 2012

Olive Mabel Roos

It  is with lots of love and great joy that we welcomed into the world our beautiful daughter, Olive Mabel Roos, on May 8 at 11:49 pm. She weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz, was 21 1/2 inches long and we are so in love!!!! In fact, I am sitting in our hospital room right now just staring at her in between writing this blog and I keep thinking how lucky we are. Once I get some of our pictures together, I will be sharing many more but until then, I am going to just admire our little blessing.


Kristin said...

Congratulations again!!! Such a cute baby!

Belinda said...

You are both so blessed! Congrats!! Cherish every moment you have with Olive because before you even realize it, she will be all grown up. She is gorgeous!