Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It snowed...

On Monday we had our first snow storm, or at least what they call a snow storm here. (I think we only got maybe an inch of snow on the ground.) It was really pretty to see the snow because it finally made me feel like it was winter and Christmas was getting close. The mountains and trees were beautiful with their layer of white.
Tuesday morning I woke up to find out that all of the schools in the area were closed. I got up, brought Charlie to work, and then got ready as usual.
Sidenote: In case you are wondering why I brought Charlie to work, it's because we bought a new car. We traded in both of our vehicles and went to one again. We will be riding our bikes or taking public transportation when possible.
When I got to work, I was the only one there for about an hour. Apparently when it snows, everyone takes their sweet time getting to work and a lot of businesses close or have a late start. It was rather nice going to work because there was no traffic and I got there in record time. I have to laugh because it is so funny to watch everyone freak out when weather happens. (People tend to freak even when it rains hard because they are used to sunshine all the time) I saw people with the windshield wipers going full blast even when it wasn't snowing or icy. By the end of the day all the snow had melted and the sun was out again. They canceled school for this!
Today it is once again beautiful. 50 Degrees and I am wearing jeans and a sweater. Love it. I can't wait for tonight and tomorrow because apparently a huge snow storm is on the way. I will keep you posted. :)

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