Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We Made It!

I just wanted to let everyone know that we made it back to Iowa!! Some of our friends helped us load the truck and we finaly left Albuquerque around 4pm on Saturday, the 15th and arrived in Iowa City around 9pm, Sunday night. Charlie drove the whole route as I was nervous about driving a big truck with a car towed behind it (I am almost positive I would have hit something!).

Originally we were going to store things in Charlie's brother Pete's basement but at the last minute, Sunday at about 8pm, we decided to put everything in storage. The main reason is because we didn't think all of our big items would fit down his stairs and then we wouldn't need to bother him if we wanted something from a box. Because of this late decision and our need to actually get a storage unit, we waited until Monday to unload the truck and Iowa decided to welcome us back with snow and sleet! It was not too bad and we had some good laughs from the way I labeled some of the boxes.

I am working from home, Charlie starts his new job on Monday, and we are still in the process of looking for a home to buy. We are extremely happy to be back and can't wait to see everyone again!

1 comment:

Tanner said...

Ben tells me that you found a house in Cedar Rapids! That's great! Make sure to post pictures of it on your blog.