Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blom Bums Weekend - The Main Event


Charlie and Spencer - They were a little hot and dirty after the game

Hula Hoop Chain - you have to hold hands and get the hula hoop over everyone without letting go of each other.

I don't know what this one was called but you had to pass the wet sponge over all of your teammates and fill a bucket at the end full of water

4 person skiing

Yep, that's my mom laying on the ground laughing!

They finally got up and going

This is my team and they were good! Go Craig's Clods!

On Saturday, the festivities began. The theme was Newkirk Church Sunday School picnic games. We had 18 games total (I only got pictures of a few of the games) and the family was divided into teams with Jan, Ruth, Wanda, and my dad Craig as the team captains. We had a ton of fun and at some points, it got a little competitive. In the end, Wanda's team won but the main goal was that everyone enjoyed themselves and that is definitely what happened!

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