Sunday, September 30, 2012

Olive and Sage

This weekend my cousin Carli, her husband Spencer and their daughter Sage came to Cedar Rapids and stayed with us. Sage is about 5 months older than Olive and the girls had a great time together (and so did the adults). It was a lot of fun to see them interact and I am sure they will get into a lot of trouble together.

Olive - 20 weeks

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Olive - 19 weeks

This week we had another doctor's appointment and Olive is doing well. She weighs 14 lbs 5 oz and is 26 1/4 inches long. She is getting stronger every day and she is always curious about everything she sees or touches. She also starting rolling like crazy (see previous post).

One of her favorite things is grabbing the tags on her Taggie blanket with her thumb and forefinger. It is so fun to watch her concentrate so hard. She also loves watching Stella and is now starting to grab for her as she walks by. We will see if this is a good thing or not but Stella seems to be getting comfortable with Olive.

She is still putting everything in her mouth and is still as chatty as ever. It makes my day hearing her "talk" the entire drive to daycare and I am excited for the day when I know what she is saying.

Everyday we fill so blessed to have her in our lives and she brings us so much joy!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Olive - We have a roller!

If you read my blog, you know that Olive rolled over about a month ago for the first time. However, she would only do it occasionally. All of a sudden, it clicked and on Wednesday she started rolling over like crazy. It is fun to watch because sometimes it comes very easily and other times she has to concentrate really hard to do it. She is very amusing!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Olive - 4 months old

Olive turned 4 months old today and enjoyed her first Hawkeye tailgate. She enjoyed it a lot and loved watching all the people (she is rather nosy).

Olive is still liking daycare and the teachers love her because she is almost always cheerful and gives them huge smiles. She is also becoming good friends with another little girl her age - they like to talk to each other and hold hands.

Other than talking like crazy, she also seems to be putting on some weight and continuing to get longer although I have no idea what she weighs or how long she is and am excited to find out at her next appointment. I also think she may start teething soon as she has been drooling more than normal and is constantly chewing on anything she can put in her mouth.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Olive - 16 Weeks

 Being a part of the dinner conversation

 I love the look on her face on this picture

 Watching the Iowa game with Adam

Olive had the joy of staying with Uncle Adam, Aunt Raegen, Tristan, Tyson and Jabrel while we are on our trip and here are some pictures of her time with them. They took great care of her and I know she had a great time and was always entertained by the kids.

I was a little nervous she wouldn't remember Charlie or me but once we got back, she gave us a huge smile and starting kicking her legs really fast (a sign she is super excited). It melted my heart and I don't think we are going to be able to leave her again.

Day 4 and 5 - Portland

After spending most of our time near Hood River, we spent a couple of days in Portland. We enjoyed some good beer, good doughnuts from the famous Voodoo Doughnuts and just walking around and seeing the city. It was a great end to our trip and we were ready to head home and see Olive again as we missed her a lot!

Oregon Day 4 - Historic Columbia River Highway

 Herman the Sturgeon at Bonneville Dam

On Saturday, we took the scenic route back to Oregon and it was so much fun. There were several waterfalls that we would have not known about because you couldn't see them from the Interstate. It was absolutely beautiful and if we go back to the area, we are traveling this highway again.