Saturday, September 22, 2012

Olive - 19 weeks

This week we had another doctor's appointment and Olive is doing well. She weighs 14 lbs 5 oz and is 26 1/4 inches long. She is getting stronger every day and she is always curious about everything she sees or touches. She also starting rolling like crazy (see previous post).

One of her favorite things is grabbing the tags on her Taggie blanket with her thumb and forefinger. It is so fun to watch her concentrate so hard. She also loves watching Stella and is now starting to grab for her as she walks by. We will see if this is a good thing or not but Stella seems to be getting comfortable with Olive.

She is still putting everything in her mouth and is still as chatty as ever. It makes my day hearing her "talk" the entire drive to daycare and I am excited for the day when I know what she is saying.

Everyday we fill so blessed to have her in our lives and she brings us so much joy!

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