Monday, January 21, 2013

Olive - 8 months

I have been really horrible lately about posting pictures and updates of Olive so I apologize. She is just so much fun that I have been spending every moment I can with her and then just relaxing when she goes to bed. So, here are a ton of pictures from the past couple of weeks and I will try to do a better job of keeping them up to date. They may be blurry because it is getting harder and harder to get a nice picture of her since she keeps moving around so much.

Besides crawling, Olive starting eating table food and for the first time today, went up one step on her own. (Oh boy!) She also has been fighting a bad cold over the last couple of weeks and went through 2 days of really bad teething. That is not fun, especially since she was already sick! She has had colds before but this one has been especially bad and led to some long sleepless nights. She visited the doctor again today and a stronger antibiotic was prescribed so we hope this works!

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