Saturday, July 17, 2010

Road Trip Day #2

At our first stop on Day 2 for Breakfast and a butt break

Crossed into Idaho from Utah

Quick maintenance at a gas station

Another quick stop and we are really starting to notice the heat now.
Don't mind the helmet hair.

About 75 miles away at this point.

Poor Charlie got stung by a wasp while driving. His face swelled up and I was afraid we were going to have to stop.

Finally at the rally!!

Thursday was a hard and long day. I would like to say that I wasn't crabby by the time we got there but it just isn't true. At about 2pm we had already done 1000 miles in 24 hours on the bike and we had about 300 more to go so we were both tired and sore.
Below is the link of our route and I will try and post more pictures later but now I am going to go watch a stunt demonstration.

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