Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving in ABQ

Me with Kaden

Sarah and Kaden

Charlie and Kaden

Me and Sofia

For Thanksgiving this year, we headed to Albuquerque to visit some friends. We stayed with Karl, Sarah and Kaden Lindblom. Kaden turned 1 month old while we were there and I really enjoyed holding him. It was also really fun to hang out with Karl and Sarah again.
We also got to see Hugo, Jessica and Sofia Escobedo. Miss Sofia is about to turn 8 months old so we got to see two very different ages of kids and got a little glimpse into our future. :)
We even enjoyed a Hawkeye game at Spectators with the NM Hawk Club. The outcome of the game was disappointing but it was nice to see most of the regulars from the last couple of seasons. Enjoying the green chile cheese fries was an added bonus.
Overall, we had a great time and even purchased a crib and changing table on Black Friday. Who knew we would go all the way to Albuquerque for that!

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