Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Road Trip Day #8 - The accident

The road that took us and Randy down. Stupid road.

Sorry the picture is blurry. It is from my cell phone but check out the swelling. It was kind of like a science project.

Giving a thumbs up to the box that did it.

At a Steakhouse after the ER for some much needed beer and food.

Randy's bent boxes from when he went down.
Randy had to zip tie the box on since it wouldn't latch anymore.

Charlie working on his bent box frame.

So, here's how it happened because I know you are all wondering. We wanted to go to a road called Magruder Corridor in Idaho but the GPS led us astray and we ended up on the road pictured above called Old Elk City Road (which when we told the nurse that she started apologizing). Because there were so many rocks, which Randy described as riding on cannon ball sized ball bearing, he ended up flying ahead of us and falling and then we followed shortly after.
We weren't going that fast, maybe 5 mph, but before I could react we were already on the ground and the side metal box landed on my ankle and twisted it breaking the bone and giving me a sprain. After screaming in pain for awhile from the initial shock, Charlie and Randy got me to the side of the road to rest and prop my foot while they picked up both bikes and thankfully neither of them was hurt. With their help, I hobbled to the end of the slope and they Charlie and Randy took me to the hospital where they told me I broke it and now I am in a walking boot for at least 4 weeks. I still plan on going forward with the rest of the trip, since it is only 3 days, and Charlie created a sling for me to put my leg in to keep it elevated. Isn't he great! We plan on taking it pretty easy and sticking to main roads with plenty of breaks so I will keep posting and updating you as much as I can. Just so you know, I have done nothing but laugh since the fall and because of it and I am still having a great time. I am interested to see the kind of looks we get while driving down the road.
On a side note: Randy had the most theatrical fall I have ever seen and it was so awesome. He flipped over the top of his handlebars and then did this really cool roll and basically just stood up. He is an all-star! I wish we had it on video for you to all see because you would be impressed.

1 comment:

Brad and Patty Roos said...

Oh my goodness! So glad that your injuries aren't more serious! Looks like you have had quite a wonderful vacation and have really seen a beautiful part of the country. Enjoy the rest of your trip and BE SAFE! We love reading your blog!